Saturday, June 26, 2010

Catching up with IT

Many of us in our fifties and older may not have the opportunity to use computers or any IT gagets, like the digital camera, the way our younger generations have.

The acronyms the younger generations use, like CPU, RAM, CD-Rom, VGA, USB,
DVD, LAN, LCD, iPhone, Blackberry, etc. may all be greek to us, seniors.

Nowadays, the computer is a way of life in work and in play. So we seniors who do not have the opportunity to pick up this skill in our younger days will miss the fun computers can bring to our lives.

It is not difficult to pick up some basic computer skills. The only difficulty is to form a common group willing to meet at a fixed venue.

Topics of interests can be discussed and finalised to meet the needs of the group in question. These topics may include but not be limited to the following:

1) Learn how to take control of your Computer. Acquire some basic knowledge.

2) Send & receive emails.

3) Internet Surfing.

4) Use a digital camera to take pictures, download to the computer and finally compile the images to a slide show.

5) Microsoft Words, PowerPoint, Excel.

6) Learn how to "burn" a slide show, playable on the computer and the standard DVD player.

7) Blogging.

8) Web design/publishing.

9) Photo Editing.

10) Create a Karaoke Chinese or English song using Microsoft PowerPoint.

11) Online transactions, shopping - worldwide.

12) There is no end to learning. I am still learnig ...

Email me if you have the interest. The computer is just a smart tool, understanding it can make our lives more meaningful and interesting. Also if we believe in knowledge, like learning space of a child, has no boundary - then we are just beginning to understand the power of the computer!

I share with you two "Reflections on Life" I received from a friend who cares ...

1) Reflection on Life - Point of View (Movie play in RealPlayer)

2) The dashes in our lives

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